The Feminine Art Of Receiving Your Soul-Aligned Clients And Creating A Business You Love
This is an invitation for women who want to grow their online businesses…
I have an amazing program for brilliant, ambitious, highly intuitive coaches (who know they have a special gift and calling to share with the world) who want to bring more ease and flow into their business, with their clients, and content creation.
They deeply desire to consistently experience the magic of drawing in their soul-aligned clients through their energy and soul-expressed content while staying in their zone of genius. This will give them the freedom and energy to double their income without hustling/overworking and burning out. It's the dream business they have always wanted.
It stops them from authentically sharing their brilliance and receiving the clients and income they desire.
They don't need another strategy... they need an energetic blueprint, which is my zone of genius. (I also have clients who've never gone through a business program receiving clients effortlessly!)
#1 Energetics
Understanding the natural masculine and feminine energy exchange as it pertains to your unique business so that it’s set up to support you and not the other way around. (This is all about healthy relationships!)
If it’s not set up to support you, then you’ll always feel compelled to be working (even when you're trying to relax), which often leads to burnout.
Women think that they’ll rest after reaching a certain milestone only to continue pushing towards another milestone, and that's not what they envisioned for their life and business.
You’ll learn how to align the 8 masculine and feminine tiers of your business (business model, ideal client, packaging, pricing, offer/invitation, messaging, transformation and frequency) so that you become magnetic to your soul-aligned clients. (This area may only need small tweaks.)
#2 Content Creation & Healthy Marketing
Your feminine energy (your unique genius) plus clear expectations about what your ideal clients need to bring to the table (they’re already empowered and so close to a breakthrough, they just need your blend of magic) will attract their empowered masculine energy and together that almost guarantees amazing results and a fabulous coaching relationship!
Your ideal clients will easily recognize you when you share your soul's highest expression (your S.H.E.) in your marketing.
#3 Daily Actions
Then, we’ll adjust your daily actions (and go over the things you don’t need to be doing), so you have the energy to create a business you love and focus on the 3 simple things that move the needle the most, which are; your integrated energies, soul-expressed content, and ability to receive ideal clients easily.
You’ll most likely begin attracting clients and money in an aligned way while we’re working together, and then you’ll be able to continue attracting them in the easiest way possible throughout the rest of the year.
9x 60-minute 1:1 coaching calls (which consist of coaching, teaching, and energy constellations) to get you set up and quickly implementing the energetic strategies to attract your ideal clients. You’ll have email/messenger support to ask questions and get clarity.
You’ll receive access to 7 Lighthouse modules that will dive deeper into the energetics.
Module #1: The Eight Energetic Tiers Of Business (How The Masculine And Feminine Integrate Together)
Module #2: Releasing Pressure, Urgency, And Energy Dipping
Module #3: Discovering Your S.H.E. (Soul's Highest Expression)
Module #4: Understanding Who Your Ideal Client Is And What They Need To Bring To The Table
Module #5: Packaging Up Your S.H.E And Creating An Offer/Invitation
Module #6: How To Create Energy-Shifting Content
Module #7: How To Enroll Clients
Bonus: How To Create A Course
You don’t need to be doing all of these things but at least have a way for clients to find you.
have a clear idea of who their ideal client is
have experience with posting on Facebook, Instagram, in Facebook groups, or have an email list
have possibly used FB ads or other means to grow their businesses
Read about what other women share about there experience in The Lighthouse