The women who come to me are incredibly intuitive, smart, and loving...

...yet they've never experienced a healthy, romantic relationship.

They’ve been going to therapy, invested in dating and relationship programs, invested in matchmakers, tried using Law of Attraction tools, learned about polarity and masculine and feminine energy and nothing seems to move the needle for them. 

They still find themselves dating men who they know aren’t a match for them and every once in a while will be attracted to a man who doesn’t feel the same way.

Inevitably a woman will start to feel like there’s something wrong with her and she often wonders why it can seem so easy for other women but not her.
If this feels like your experience with men, you’re not alone.

Enter your email below and learn the secrets to attracting the man who can meet you on your level.

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Hi, I'm Leigha!

I've taught, coached, and mentored thousands of women on how to attract and have the romantic relationship they desire.

The biggest mistake I see women making is looking for a connection BEFORE observing if a man is emotionally healthy or not. This is where women waste so much time dating the wrong man.
 We assume that a man is pretty genuine and means what he says until he proves otherwise. We want to give men the benefit of the doubt because we would want them to give us the benefit of the doubt. In a perfect world, this should be enough. But the truth is, it’s not enough. Prioritizing a connection leaves a woman open and vulnerable to pain, heartbreak, and deep disappointment.

A woman who prioritizes a connection before consciously being aware of if a man is emotionally healthy and available will spend most of her life dating and being married to men who will never be what she truly needs and going from one unhealthy relationship to another. Most women have never seen a healthy relationship modeled, so they don’t even know what to look for when it comes to dating and men. 

Leigha Lake

What does this mean for you?

It means you need to have a completely different approach to how you date and interact with men. It means you need to know exactly what you’re doing so you can create the results you desire without wasting time dating the wrong men. It means you need a dating strategy that is completely different than anything you’ve ever done before and emphasizes emotional awareness, discernment, and increases your intuitive abilities.

Enter Your Email Below To Start Learning How To Attract The Right Man

While Avoiding Emotionally Unavailable Or Toxic Men

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